Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sipi Falls

Even though we really like our house, we decided to go on a tiny safari to Sipi Falls. It is one of the waterfalls in Uganda that produces some of the water we drink. When we went there we went on a hike, through caves, waterfalls, and a lot of villages. Even though it was a five hour drive, it was worth it. Now that CHOGM is coming we are thinking that we should go on another trip somewhere. We are still not sure yet where we are going to go (if we go). We will let you know if we go, and where we went.


John Campbell said...

Do you think if I came, i would get the same type of att'n that these "world leaders" are getting?

tom said...


John Campbell said...

Tmoney - I feel as though you may be "yes-ing" me. You wouldn't be pulling a move like that on your favorite uncle would you?