Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Super Bowl in Uganda

Sorry that we haven't posted in a while. This post is about the Super Bowl!
Some sports revelation in Boston, huh! First a long-missed World Series title for the Red Sox, and now a perfect season-to-be for the Patriots. But I'm sure that the New York contingent have their fair share of the glory. If Eli and the Giants pull off some miraculous win, then you guys will have something to brag about, huh? You stopped the perfect season (sorry but it's just not going to happen).
We wish we could share in the fun, but there is no way for us to get the game. The internet blocks streaming video, and the network, the Armed Forces Network, isn't working.
Comment on the score and what happened please!


Unknown said...

Oh, stopped it they did. In the last possible minute, too. Don't get me wrong, I like the NE Patriots because the last Super Bowl game they played (a few years back) was exciting too. I guess I am more for cheering for whichever team as necessary to ensure an exciting game. One day I may even understand the game enough to critique the game intelligently for you. :-)

At any rate, Jay reported from college that he started cheering for the Giants after long throw in the 4th Q (~30 yards) with less than 2 minutes to go. The score was 10-7, Giant. Then, 10-14, Patriots, with about 1.5 min to go. The Giants had a miraculous catch of long throw at 3rd down with <60 sec to go. Then they scored the final goal to make it 17-14, Giants, with <30 sec on the clock.

It was quite a game. Now you will have to get some good sport reporter to give you the accurate details and analysis.

Wendy on Lawyers Hill, MD

Dan said...

is there anyway to retract this blog entry before everyone reads it?

tom said...

haha dan
it was the luckiest, or unluckiest, game ever
srry to uncle mark. GO PATS!!!!!
let's see eli do it again next year...ya rite!!!

John Campbell said...

Hmmm...I have been off celebrating the WIN for the Giants who by the way, were perfect in the playoffs (when it counts) and just got around to this blog entry. Luck happens once, not 4 weeks in a row!!

tom said...

ya maybe luck happens once, but the pats went all season without losing one game, thats what i call skill
can you remind me the giants reg season record

John Campbell said...

their record is as follows:
"only ones to beat Patriots when it counted and now have the Vince Lombardi Trophy" (10-6)

John Campbell said...

Each time I see this post I am AMAZED that people from 1. guam 2. bawlmore 3. hawley 4. uganda are OK with having these Boston teams so highly supported.