Saturday, January 31, 2009

Service Summit Africa: Jane Goodall

The school hosted a Service Summit for schools around Africa, and even from places like Dubai and China. It was designed to give students ideas for community and service projects, and most of them were environmentally-based. I did not participate, but my family hosted two students from Dubai. They were very cool, and stuck around for about 2 or 3 nights. At the end of the Service Summit, Jane Goodall came to the school to give a speech and take photographs. I presume everyone knows who she is? Anyways, she was very inspiring, especially to my mom.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Lake Bunyoni

We finally decided to try out a lake besides Lake Nyamirima; Lake Bunyoni. It was beautiful, and the campsite was located on an island right in the middle of the lake. The things that we did were pretty much the same as at Lake Nymirima: Wake up, swim, eat, swim, eat, relax, swim, eat, play games around the campfire, and sleep. It sounds pretty dull, but the relaxation is awesome. we would go there more often than Nymirima (which we have visited like 3 times) but it takes more than 8 hours to get there, which is not ideal. However, it was a lot of fun and well worth the drive.