Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bujagali Falls

For our next trip, we headed down to Bujagali Falls in the morning, and came back around dusk. The link below is the site of the restaurant that we ate at. It was great!

For those that don't know, Bujagali
Falls is near the source of the Nile River, which is a convenient hour and a half from Kampala. It was rea
lly nice, and we saw one crazy guy go through the rapids on a jerrycan! (a jerrycan is a medium-sized container that Ugandans frequently use to carry drinking water) The trip was fun and it was definitely an adventure.
It was also Mpolo's first trip, and it turns out that she is excellent in the car.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

How To Comment

We have been getting many e-mails saying that people love our blog, but don't know how to leave a comment. It's actually quite simple. It can be done in 4 simple steps:
  1. Locate the post that you want to comment on. Below the post, you will see numerous links, saying who posted it, at what time, and the number of comments that have been left on the post. Click on the link that shows the number of comments that have been left on the post.
  2. Then, you will see a box that is titled "Leave your comment". Write whatever you want to say in that box.
  3. Next, you must "Choose an identity".
    You can sign in using a gmail account (log in with password), simply giving yourself a nickname (by clicking the bubble by "Nickname" and typing in what you want to be known as on our blog), or as anonymous (please don't use anonymous, we want to know who is commenting!).
  4. Finally, click on the orange box that says "PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT" and you're done.

Please comment so we know who is getting on our blog!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Murchison Falls

Well, the Murchison camping was great, but we had to cut it short by one day. Because of that, we didn't get to actually see the falls, but we went on two great game drives, where we sat on the roof rack! We saw water buffalo, waterbucks, cob, hartebeests, hippos, warthogs (which lived at our campbsite), Orbei (little antelopes), Maribu Storks (that look like terradactyls), fantastic birds (including many Kingfishers), and tons of giraffes.

There weren't any attacking monkeys, but there was a water buffalo, who figured that he just wasn't going to move for our car. Luckily, we didn't force the buffalo to a decision, and it decided that it wasn't worth it, but supposedly those lone water buffalo are bad news.

At the campsite, we had many warthogs, Maribu Storks, and a HUGE HIPPO! The reason that there was so much game in our camp was because the place that we stayed in, called "The Red Chili Rest Camp", was actually inside the park.

Okay, I know that you're wondering why we had to cut the trip short, and the link below will describe in further detail, but here's my version:

Kenya recently had a very corrupt election and was probably rigged. Post-election riots errupted after the election, and it has become so violent that the border to Uganda has been completely closed. We can't get any oil because we are a land-locked country, and the petrol that comes in by sea, can't get to us cheaply without coming through Kenya.

We've got some great pictures for you, but they are on the sidebar. Check them out!