Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bujagali Falls

For our next trip, we headed down to Bujagali Falls in the morning, and came back around dusk. The link below is the site of the restaurant that we ate at. It was great!

For those that don't know, Bujagali
Falls is near the source of the Nile River, which is a convenient hour and a half from Kampala. It was rea
lly nice, and we saw one crazy guy go through the rapids on a jerrycan! (a jerrycan is a medium-sized container that Ugandans frequently use to carry drinking water) The trip was fun and it was definitely an adventure.
It was also Mpolo's first trip, and it turns out that she is excellent in the car.


tom said...

Sorry everyone!!!
The internal dating system on the website is going bogus again!
Some new posts are showed as earlier posts
such as snacks, snacks and more snacks

Anonymous said...

Those rapids look like they would be fun. The man in the river would probably not like our weather (in the teens).Your puppy will soon be a DOG. She will be what a DOG should be. Looks like going on your safaris or road trips has become a weekly event. g'pops