Saturday, October 11, 2008

Family Fun Day

An event at ISU called Family Fun Day was held on October 12. To Grandma and Grandpa on both sides, and Aunt Annie, it was very similar to the Fall Festival at Trinity. Basically, any family which is involved with the school could attend Family Fun Day. Like the Fall Festival, it was similar to a carnival. It was very social and had lots of food, as well as a few minigames for the kids. Overall, it was okay.

I also performed some Community and Service at Family Fun Day. To raise money for the Senior Prom (which I am allowed to attend this year if I want), the seniors held a car wash. As each family walked up to the main area, there was a stand with a few people surrounding it. As your family passed, one of the students would ask you if you wanted your car washed. If you did, then you wrote down your license plate number and the type of car you had. So, the seniors recruited some younger students to wash these cars, and it counts towards our Community and Service hours. It's a win-win situation; we get CAS hours, the seniors get a good Prom, and the families get a a clean car for a small fee. In total, I washed three cars.

Somebody please e-mail Matt to get him to start taking more pictures! The posts look quite boring without them.